Families can pick their own veggies at Spring Street Farm
Photo Credit: Tangerini's Spring Street Farm |
Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) is an economic model that brings customers to local farms, as shareholders of a growing season's crops. It not only supports the economic health and viability of farms, but the health of local customers connected to fresh, local food. What's more, in the age of development pressure and sprawl, a successful CSA helps keep land in agriculture, and maintains the traditional scenic landscape of Massachusetts. As you may already know, The Trustees of Reservations runs CSAs at four farm-oriented Reservations:
Appleton Farms in Ipswich & Hamilton;
Moraine Farm in Beverly;
Powisset Farm in Dover; and
Weir River Farm in Hingham. In addition, we are thrilled that our Conservation Restrictions (CRs) and Agricultural Preservation Restrictions (APRs) protect five private farms running CSA programs from Boston (yes, within the city limits) and Metro Boston to the Pioneer Valley. To sum up what some farm landowners have told us on our monitoring visits, now is a
great time to be in farming, and one expressed his unexpected (but welcome!) surprise that local farmers have become almost 'rock stars' in the local public eye, as commitment to local food has grown in recent decades. We want to share a bit about these successful farms and farmers that Trustees of Reservations CRs help make possible - stay tuned for a series of posts featuring these CSAs.
Tangerini's Spring Street Farm - Millis, MA - CSA and community-centered farm in Metro West!
67+ acres protected by a 1997 Trustees of Reservations CR, and a 1983 and 1997 state-held APR
Photo Credit: Tangerini's Spring Street Farm
Tangerini's Spring Street Farm is a thriving family farm today, in no small part due to the CSA model. Just a half mile from the center of Millis, it provides a beautiful working farm and open space that contrasts with its pleasant suburban neighborhood surroundings. Its history dates to the early 19th century, when the upper Charles River valley was a patchwork of such farms. Through most of the 20th century, it was known as DeAngelis Farm, stewarded by Louie DeAngelis, who spent his whole life on the family farm. Mr. DeAngelis ensured its permanent protection through a 1982 APR, and by willing the farm to Trustees' affiliate, the Massachusetts Land Conservation Trust, upon his death in 1993. The Trustees fulfilled his wishes of finding new farmers to work the property, and screened applicants and their farm plans from all over New England. By 1995, Laura and Charlie Tangerini were selected as the stewards of Mr. DeAngelis's legacy to Millis.
The Tangerinis offer
multiple CSA options year-round, from traditional spring and summer crops, to winter and deep winter shares. Perhaps most unique are their "U-Pick Flower Share," offering twenty stems of annual flowers per week during a 12-13 week period from July to September, and their "Food to Share" program, which provides fresh produce shares at reduced cost for those in need.
(Photo Credit: Edible Boston; photographer Michael Piazza)
The Tangerinis' commitment to community-minded agriculture and conservation extends well beyond their CSA, and a poignant example is their annual summer staff of over a dozen local teenagers. What better way to instill a lifelong appreciation of the land in the next generation than hands-on experience working it? Read all about it in Edible Boston's wonderful past feature about Tangerini Farm, its farmers, and their teen employees by
clicking here. Take a trip out to Millis this Spring or Summer, and you can treat yourself to ice cream from their stand, pick your own produce or buy it from the farmstand, then walk off that ice cream on their public walking trail. If you are a local, you might consider the healthy commitment to a
CSA share of the summer bounty! Get a jump on it, and purchase preseason market shares by March 31, to get a 20% discount, or by May 1, for a 10% discount, at the farmstand or the Natick Farmer's Market, through their
Market Share program.